A fairly quick overview of the procedure:
1. Use a pipet bulb to pipet 10mL of HCL solution into a 250mL beaker. Add 50mL of distilled water.
2. Place the beaker on a magnetic stirrer and add a stirring bar.
3. Use a utility clamp to suspend a pH Sensor on a ring stand. Position the pH Sensor in the HCL Solution and adjust its position so that it is not in the way of the stirring bar.
4. Obtain a 50mL buret and use a utility clamp to attach the buret to the rin stand. Fill the buret with 10mL of NaOH Solution.
5. Prepare the computer for data collection in LoggerPro.
6. Before adding NaOH titrant, click the collect button and moniot the pH for about 5 seconds. Once the pH reading has stabilized, click the keep button. In the edit box, type "0."
7. Begin the titration process and enter the values as you go.
8. Clean Up!
Here is our lovely graph!
5th Hour Chemistry Cat
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Last Reflection Eva!
So it's almost the complete end of school for me! I'm very pleased with this class and my performance in it. It's been really fun and I've felt that I've learned a lot. I completed all the labs, and I did them correctly and safetly the entire year. My last Acid vs. Bases lab is the only thing I wish I could improve. I didn't get to do any analysis on it, but I have NO TIME. So it will just have to stay as it is. Overall, I'm really glad I took this class and I've learned more about Chemistry. Now off to graduation!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Beer's Law Lab, but It Isn't About Beer, Just Concentration, but Not That Concentration Like Focus, It's About Solutions and Their Concentration, but Not Solutions Like Solutions to a Problem. . . .
The main point of this lab was to determine the concentration of an unknown solution. In order to do this we:
3. On a computer, open the LoggerPro file "Exp 11 Colorimeter."
5. Fill a cuvette 3/4 full of the solution from test tube 1. Then place it in the Colorimeter and collect the data on LoggerPro.
2. We took four clean test tubes and labeled them 1 through 4. Then, with a pipet, we put 2, 4, 6, and 8 mL of .4 M NiSO4 solution into test tubes 1-4 respectively. We repeated the process with water putting 8, 6, 4, and 2 mL of distilled water into Tubes 1-4 respectively. Then stir!
3. On a computer, open the LoggerPro file "Exp 11 Colorimeter."
4. Calibrate the Colorimeter
6. Repeat these steps for test tubes 2-4. Afterwards, take a sample of the .40 M NiSO4 solution and record its data as well.
7. Examine the data by clicking the Linear Regression button, this will then but a line of best fit into the graph.
8. Once this is finished, find the beaker of unknown solution, or in this case, the three bottles. Test each of these samples in the Colorimeter. With the information you gain from testing each of these samples you should be able to determine the concentration of each solution.
For Unknown Solution #1, we found an absorbance of .248. Plugging that number into our graph above means that the mystery solution has a concentration of about .1474 mol/L.
For Unknown Solution #2, there was an absorbance of .558. That means that the solution had a concentration of about .3676 mol/L/
Finally, for Unknown Solution #3, there was an recorded absorbance of .430, meaning that the solution's concentration was around .2602 mol/L.
Crystal Lab!
To make a crystal you must:
1. Take a beaker and fill it with distilled water.
2. Use a hot plate to warm up the beaker and begin to saturate the water with Aluminum Potassium Sulfate.
3. Continue to allow the beaker to heat up until all of the Aluminum Potassium Sulfate is dissolved.
4. Let the solution sit and cool completely.
5. Once this is done there should be one or more seed crystals at the bottom of the beaker.
6. Take out the seed crystal you want to use and tie it to a stick.
7. Clean out the beaker and then repeat steps 1-4.
8. After the solution is cooled enough, take the seed crystal so that is dangles in the solution. If everything works out well, you crystal will begin to grow and grow.
9. Simply repeat the steps in order to make the crystal grow larger and larger.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Independent Research Project
Ultralight Metallic Microlattice on Prezi
And Here Are Some
And Here Are Some
- Berglund, Jennifer. "Technology / Materials Science." Engineers â ¨Concoct the World's Lightest Material. Discover Magazine, 29 Mar. 2012. Web. 01 Apr. 2012. <http://discovermagazine.com/2012/mar/31-engineers-concoct-the-worlds-lightest-material>.
- Edward, Lynch. "Micro-Lattice, The Worldâ s Lightest Material." Laughing Squid. 28 Nov. 2011. Web. 01 Apr. 2012. <http://laughingsquid.com/micro-lattice-the-worlds-lightest-material/>.
- Lee, Kevin. "World's Lightest Material Takes Hits Like a Champ." PCWorld. Geektech, 21 Nov. 2011. Web. 01 Apr. 2012. <http://www.pcworld.com/article/244412/worlds_lightest_material_takes_hits_like_a_champ.html>.
- Liggett, Brit. "Scientists Develop World's Lightest Metal, 100x Lighter than Styrofoam | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building." Inhabitat. Inhabitat.com, 20 Nov. 2011. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. <http://inhabitat.com/scientists-develop-worlds-lightest-metal-100x-lighter-than-styrofoam/>.
- McCormack, Simon. "Lightest Material On Earth Invented (VIDEO)." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 18 Nov. 2011. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/18/lightest-material-on-earth_n_1101909.html>.
- "Metallic Microlattice." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 July 2012. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallic_microlattice>.
- Netburn, Deborah. "Scientists Invent Lightest Material on Earth. What Now?" The Sydney Morning Herald. SMH.com, 18 Nov. 2011. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. <http://www.smh.com.au/technology/sci-tech/scientists-invent-lightest-material-on-earth-what-now-20111118-1nmok.html>.
- "World's 'lightest Material' Unveiled by US Engineers." BBC News. BBC, 18 Nov. 2011. Web. 29 Mar. 2012. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-15788735>.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Smartest of Them All?
I am! So says me in my THIRD QUARTER REFLECTION! This quarter was a bunch of math and calculations and numbers. All of which I am pretty good at, and relatively enjoy. I really did understand finding the limiting and excess reactant, and such things like that. It made sense to me, and I was able to do the math fairly well. I did really well on my tests, and I got some positive feedback on my blogs. I understand percent yield, and I'm able to tell you what my data says. I've been working really hard on keeping up with my work and putting out good stuff. The only trouble I had this quarter was being absent during this class because of other stuff I had to do. Yeah, I'm awesome.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Yet Another Stoichiometry Lab, Only This Time It's Dry
Technically called Stoichiometry of a Double Replacement Reaction, but anyway. Since this is too dangerous/toxic/nasty to do in real life, we were given a piece of paper, and told to do this has a dry lab. So:
- Clean and dry two beakers
- Record the number of you chemical: Lab #5
- Find the mass of lead(II) nitrate: 1.03 grams
- Find the mass of potassium iodide: 1.33 grams
- Add about 50mL of DI water to each beaker
- Stir the beakers until both chemicals have dissolved
- Combine the contents of both beakers into one beaker
- Wash any remaining solution into the one beaker
- Stir the solution
- Measure the mass of filter paper: 1.39 grams
- Filter out the precipitate into the filter paper
- Wash any remaining precipitate into the filter paper
- Allow the precipitate and filter paper to dry overnight
- Find the mass of the precipitate: .95 grams
The balanced equation for the chemical reaction is: 2KI + Pb(NO3)2 -> 2KNO3 + PbI2
The limiting reagent for this experiment was: Lead (II) Nitrate
Theoretically, there should be: 1.43 grams of lead(II) iodide formed from the experiment
In reality, there was actually: .95 grams of lead(II) iodide formed from the experiment
The percent yield of lead(II) from the experiment was: 66%
Here is my work to figure out all of the lovely answers. It's just proof, don't expect me to explain this all again. |
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